Radio host, Producer, Author

Author Fr. McTeigue

Preaching in a Time of Misdirecting Shepherds

Let’s start with the Gospel of Matthew, 10:26-32. There we can learn something about the general judgment. We’re all mindful (or should be) of our own particular judgment, but there is the general judgment where all will be revealed for the greater glory of God. It must be revealed for all not only that God is merciful, but that God is just and that God’s judgments are right and true.

Read this essay at Crisis Magazine.

Yes, Some Moral Acts Are Disordered—Here’s Why


According to legend, these words were emblazoned upon a sign at a booth taking signatures for a petition at a Lilith Fair, a popular summer concert series featuring female musicians. A comedian had set up the scam in order to demonstrate the alarming ignorance of the American electorate. The story goes that he collected hundreds of signatures, and no one was the wiser.

Read this essay at Catholic World Report.

A Brief History of Our Annihilation

I don’t like where we are headed. We’re running out of goods to reject or destroy. We’re almost at the point of no return.

Read this essay at Crisis Magazine.

Christians at the End of the Pax Americana

“The king is dead! Long live the king!” These words have been used in both history and literature as a powerful means of reassurance. The populace is reassured that even in the face of crisis represented by the death of a king, there is an orderly transition of power: one king follows another, without interruption. (Whether the populace should find such an announcement reassuring is another question.) In neither history nor literature can I find this declaration: “The empire is dead! Long live the empire!” Why this lack, this lacuna, even though empires rise and fall and are succeeded by other empires in their turn? This question is on my mind as I watch in real time what I believe is the accelerating decline and impending demise of the American empire.

Read this essay at New Oxford Review.

Interview: Christendom Lost and Found with Fr. Robert McTeigue

The Guns of August—Then and Now

It seems to me that the similarities between August 1914 and August 2022 are all disturbing: venal and clumsy politicians, states clashing as they rise and fall, an overconfidence in human wisdom and an underestimation of human vulnerability.

Read this essay at Crisis Magazine.

TedX Talk: The World Cannot Be Cancelled

Dr. Gregory Popcak & Fr. Robert McTeigue – Catholic Answers Live

Author Interview with Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.

Fr. Robert McTeigue – Homily on Saint Francis of Assisi

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