Radio host, Producer, Author

Category Interviews

Steve Bannon Interviews Father McTeigue on Good Friday

Father Robert McTeigue, Maryland Province of Society of Jesus Host and producer of the Catholic Current, kicks off War Room on Good Friday with a prayer for the nation.

If you have difficulties with the player above, watch the interview on Bannon’s War Room.

Bannon’s War Room: Father Robert McTeigue: Organizing Our Lives Without Christ Has Led To Chaos

Watch the video directly at Rumble if you have difficulties with the player above.

Catholic Answers Focus: A World Broken into “Worldviews

People today live in physical proximity to one another even as they occupy very different worlds. Father Robert McTeigue, author of Real Philosophy for Real People explains how we got here, and some possible cures.

The Dennis Prager Show

Download the interview with Fr. McTeigue on The Dennis Prager Show.

Catholic Faith Network

Interview with Father McTeigue on the Catholic Faith Network.

The Fringe with Megan Fox Podcast

Today’s sneak peak is with philosopher priest Father Robert McTeigue host of the Catholic Current.


Yet whether we like it or not, almost every corner of our livesā€”from dissertation writing to channel surfingā€”brings us face to face with competing philosophies and world views, each claiming to tell us definitively what it means to be human. How can we know which one is right? And what difference does it make?

Jon Leonetti in the Morning

Fr. Robert McTeigue on his book and the importance of Philosophy in our lives.

Real Presence Live Interview

Is philosophy for regular people?

Listen to the interview on Real Presence Live.

Son Rise Morning Show

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