Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.

Radio host, Producer, Author

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Radio Maria: Meet the AuthorĀ Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.

Listen to the Radio Maria interview.

The Katie McGready Show: Talks to Fr. McTeigue about His New Book, ‘Christendom Lost and Found’

Listen to The Katie McGready Show interview.

Driving Home the Faith

Today, Jesuit Fr. Robert Robert McTeigue discusses whether weā€™ve lost Christendom or whether weā€™re finding it.

(Interview with Fr. McTeigue begins at approximately 9:52)

Even Catholic Social Transformation Must Be Rooted in Prayer

In a very interesting series of ā€œmeditations for a post post-Christian eraā€, Jesuit Fr. Robert McTeigue shares what is essentially a journal of his thoughts during the COVID era of 2020-2021, under the arresting title ofĀ Christendom Lost and Found. In his own reflective and anecdotal way, Fr. McTeigue emphasizes the perception that if we are not seeking to shape a society that is Christian in every possible respect, we arenā€™t really living a fully Christian life.

Read the essay at Catholic Culture.

Interview: Christendom Lost and Found with Fr. Robert McTeigue

Revitalizing Christian faith and culture in a post post-Christian era

It was 2020, in the depth of COVID lockdowns, when one priest began writing. The unthinkable was taking place: Easter in the United States would be ā€œcanceledā€. Churches would be shuttered. It was in this environment thatĀ Christendom Lost and Found: Meditations for a Post Post-Christian EraĀ was written ā€” a series of meditations about the state of the Church and Christendom, along with thoughts about where we ought to go from here.

Read the article at the Catholic World Report.

Seize the Day: Christendom Lost and Found Interview

Gus Lloyd interviews Father McTeigue about his new book, “Christendom Lost and Found”.

View interview.

The Guns of Augustā€”Then and Now

It seems to me that the similarities between August 1914 and August 2022 are all disturbing: venal and clumsy politicians, states clashing as they rise and fall, an overconfidence in human wisdom and an underestimation of human vulnerability.

Read this essay at Crisis Magazine.

TedX Talk: The World Cannot Be Cancelled

Steve Bannon Interviews Father McTeigue on Good Friday

Father Robert McTeigue, Maryland Province of Society of Jesus Host and producer of the Catholic Current, kicks off War Room on Good Friday with a prayer for the nation.

If you have difficulties with the player above, watch the interview on Bannon’s War Room.

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